Error 403 while configuring Azure Function App using private endpoints

When you move your existing Azure Function App to a storage account through private endpoints, you may face the following error:

Failed to update web app settings: Creation of storage file share failed with: ‘The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.’. Please check if the storage account is accessible.

In this case, you have to update the Content share setting. You may do that by:

  • az command line

az resource update –resource-group RESORCE_GROUP –name APP_NAME –resource-type “Microsoft.Web/sites” –set properties.vnetContentShareEnabled=true

  • or WEBSITE_CONTENTOVERVNET setting on the Configuration page:

For new function apps, you have to use ARM templates where you may define variable WEBSITE_CONTENTOVERVNET (the example: WEBSITE_CONTENTOVERVNET). Additionally, you may add the following property vnetContentShareEnabled:

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